The Role of Midwives in Call the Midwife

Karen Trident
6 min readJun 19, 2024


A Heartfelt Tribute to the Unsung Heroes of Healthcare

“Call the Midwife” has captured the hearts of viewers worldwide with its poignant depiction of midwifery and community healthcare in London’s East End during the 1950s and 1960s. Set in the fictional Nonnatus House, the series follows a group of midwives and nuns as they navigate the challenges of providing care in an underserved community. The show is lauded for its heartfelt storytelling, historical accuracy, and its focus on the vital role of midwives.

Photo by Olivia Anne Snyder on Unsplash

Midwives are the backbone of the series, embodying the compassionate and skilled healthcare professionals who bring life into the world and support families through some of their most vulnerable moments. This article explores the role of midwives in “Call the Midwife,” celebrating their contributions both on the show and in real life.

Historical Context of Midwifery

In the 1950s and 1960s, midwifery was a critical aspect of maternal and infant healthcare, especially in poorer communities where access to hospitals was limited. Midwives were often the primary healthcare providers for pregnant women, delivering babies at home and offering postnatal care. This period saw significant changes in healthcare, including the transition from home births to hospital deliveries, which had a profound impact on midwifery.

“Call the Midwife” accurately depicts this historical context, showcasing the challenges and advancements in medical practices during this time. The series highlights the importance of midwives in providing comprehensive care, reflecting the evolving role of these healthcare professionals in society.

The Daily Life of a Midwife

The daily life of a midwife in “Call the Midwife” is portrayed with authenticity and respect. The midwives are depicted performing a range of duties, from delivering babies to providing antenatal and postnatal care, conducting health visits, and offering family planning advice. Their work is challenging, often involving long hours, emotional strain, and navigating the socio-economic hardships of their patients.

The show illustrates the rewards and fulfillment that come from midwifery, capturing moments of joy and triumph when a healthy baby is born or a mother recovers well. Through its detailed portrayal, “Call the Midwife” provides a window into the relentless dedication and compassion required in this profession.

Key Midwife Characters and Their Contributions

The series features a rich ensemble of midwife characters, each bringing unique qualities and contributions to the Poplar community. Jenny Lee, based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth, serves as the audience’s initial guide into the world of midwifery. Her compassionate care and personal growth reflect the core values of the profession.

Chummy Browne, with her endearing awkwardness and determination, provides comic relief while showcasing the resilience required to overcome personal and professional challenges. Sister Julienne’s leadership and wisdom anchor the team, exemplifying the balance of empathy and authority necessary in healthcare.

These characters, among others, contribute to the vibrant tapestry of “Call the Midwife,” offering viewers an array of perspectives on midwifery and its impact on the community.

Midwifery and Community Impact

Midwives in “Call the Midwife” are portrayed as more than just healthcare providers; they are integral members of the community. Their roles extend beyond childbirth to include education, family planning, and general healthcare. They address broader social issues, such as poverty, domestic violence, and access to healthcare, often advocating for their patients’ well-being.

Episodes frequently highlight how midwives serve as trusted confidants and support systems for families. Their presence in the community fosters trust and continuity of care, emphasizing the holistic approach of midwifery in improving overall health outcomes.

The Emotional and Ethical Challenges

The midwives in “Call the Midwife” face numerous emotional and ethical challenges, mirroring real-life dilemmas in healthcare. They deal with complications during childbirth, unexpected deaths, and the emotional toll of caring for patients in distressing circumstances. These challenges are portrayed with sensitivity, highlighting the resilience and emotional strength required in the profession.

The show also addresses ethical issues, such as the right to choose, patient confidentiality, and the struggles of balancing personal beliefs with professional duties. These storylines provide a realistic depiction of the complexities midwives navigate, enhancing viewers’ understanding and appreciation of the profession.

The Evolution of Midwifery Practices

Throughout the series, “Call the Midwife” showcases the evolution of midwifery practices, reflecting advancements in medical technology and changes in healthcare standards. The introduction of new medical equipment, improved hygiene practices, and the shift towards hospital births are depicted with historical accuracy.

The ongoing training and education of midwives are emphasized, showing how they adapt to new knowledge and practices to provide the best possible care. This evolution underscores the dynamic nature of midwifery and its continuous development in response to emerging healthcare needs.

Representation of Women’s Health Issues

“Call the Midwife” addresses a wide range of women’s health issues, bringing them to the forefront of its storylines. The show tackles topics such as reproductive rights, access to contraception, and societal attitudes towards women’s health. These issues are portrayed with empathy and respect, often reflecting the struggles and triumphs of women during the period.

By raising awareness about these issues, “Call the Midwife” contributes to ongoing conversations about women’s health and rights, highlighting the importance of informed and compassionate healthcare.

Midwives as Advocates and Allies

Midwives in the series often act as advocates and allies for their patients, fighting for their rights and well-being. They support women through difficult decisions, stand up against injustices, and work tirelessly to improve healthcare conditions. Notable episodes showcase midwives advocating for better resources, challenging societal norms, and providing unwavering support to their patients.

These portrayals highlight the advocacy role of midwives, emphasizing their commitment to patient-centered care and social justice.

The Cultural and Social Impact of the Show

“Call the Midwife” has significantly influenced public perceptions of midwifery, educating viewers about the importance of these healthcare professionals. The show has sparked interest in midwifery as a career and raised awareness about the critical role midwives play in maternal and infant health.

Testimonials from viewers and healthcare professionals attest to the show’s real-world impact, inspiring many to pursue midwifery and advocating for better support and recognition for midwives. The cultural and social impact of “Call the Midwife” extends beyond entertainment, contributing to positive change in public attitudes and policies.

The Future of Midwifery in the Show and Real Life

As “Call the Midwife” continues to evolve, future storylines are likely to explore the ongoing challenges and advancements in midwifery. The series’ commitment to historical accuracy and emotional storytelling ensures that it will continue to highlight the critical role of midwives in healthcare.

In real life, the role of midwives continues to expand, with increasing recognition of their importance in improving maternal and infant health outcomes. The legacy of “Call the Midwife” in highlighting midwifery’s contributions will undoubtedly inspire future generations of midwives and healthcare professionals.


The role of midwives in “Call the Midwife” is a testament to the compassion, skill, and dedication required in this essential profession. The series not only entertains but also educates viewers about the vital contributions of midwives to healthcare and community well-being. Through its heartfelt storytelling and historical accuracy, “Call the Midwife” honors the unsung heroes of healthcare, celebrating their impact on the lives of countless families.

As we reflect on the significance of midwives in both the show and real life, we are reminded of the importance of supporting and recognizing these dedicated professionals. Their work is crucial, and their contributions are invaluable.

Who are your favourite midwife characters and moments from “Call the Midwife?” Share your stories and reflections in the comments. How has “Call the Midwife” influenced your understanding of midwifery? Let’s celebrate the remarkable journey of midwives and their enduring impact on healthcare.



Karen Trident

I am a writer that loves to learn. I cover a variety of topics and hope to expand on my knowledge.