Mr. Grainger: The Old Guard Of Grace Brothers

Explore the endearing charm of Mr. Grainger from “Are You Being Served?” Discover his role in Grace Brothers, brought to life by Arthur Brough’s exceptional talent.

Karen Trident
9 min read5 days ago

Hello there! I’m Karen Trident, and I’m so excited to take you on a journey into the world of “Are You Being Served?” Today, we’re going to shine a spotlight on one of the show’s beloved characters, Mr. Grainger. With his gentle demeanor and old-fashioned charm, Mr. Grainger stands as the symbol of tradition at Grace Brothers. He’s like the kind grandpa you wish you had, always ready with a kind word and a helping hand. Come along as we discover more about this endearing character and his role in making the show such a classic favorite.

Mr. Grainger: The Old Guard of Grace Brothers

Welcome to the fascinating world of British television! I’m Karen Trident, your guide through the rich tapestry of shows that have defined and redefined our viewing experiences over the decades. Today, we’re diving into a beloved character from the classic sitcom, Are You Being Served? — Mr. Grainger, the old guard of Grace Brothers.

Introduction to Mr. Grainger

Mr. Ernest Grainger is a cherished character from the British sitcom Are You Being Served? This show, which delighted audiences from 1972 to 1985, portrayed the humorous and often quirky lives of employees at the fictional London department store, Grace Brothers.

Mr. Grainger, played by Arthur Brough, is the senior menswear assistant at Grace Brothers. He represents an era of retail that emphasized personal service and etiquette. With his bowler hat, immaculate suit, and quintessentially British mannerisms, Mr. Grainger is a delightful reminder of old-world charm.

At the beginning of the series, Mr. Grainger is already a long-serving member of the Grace Brothers team. His character embodies the traditions and values of a bygone era, making him an essential part of the store’s fabric. He’s known for his meticulous attention to detail, dedication to his job, and occasional grumpiness.

Mr. Grainger may have been the grumpy old heads of menswear, but definitely blended in well with the staff at Grace Brothers which is why you should check out the Are You Being Served? DVD Collection.

The Role of Mr. Grainger in Are You Being Served?

Mr. Grainger played a pivotal role in the dynamic of the show. As the senior menswear assistant, he often found himself at the center of the store’s various escapades. His experience made him a reliable figure, someone younger staff members looked up to — even if he was sometimes bemused by their modern ways.

The humor of Mr. Grainger’s character often lay in his interactions with the other employees. He had a particularly memorable relationship with Mr. Humphries (John Inman) and Mr. Lucas (Trevor Bannister), who would frequently banter with him. Despite his occasional cantankerous nature, it was clear that Mr. Grainger was respected and even loved by his colleagues.

The Life and Career of Arthur Brough

Arthur Brough: The Man Behind Mr. Grainger

Arthur Brough, born on February 26, 1905, in Petersfield, Hampshire, was the talented actor who brought Mr. Grainger to life. Before becoming an actor, Brough worked as a school teacher. However, his passion for the stage led him to pursue a career in acting. His journey was filled with numerous roles in theatre and film before landing the iconic role of Mr. Grainger.

Brough’s portrayal of Mr. Grainger showcased his exceptional talent for comedy. His timing, expressions, and natural charm made Mr. Grainger a standout character in Are You Being Served? Brough’s ability to blend humor with a touch of pathos made Mr. Grainger both funny and endearing.

Arthur Brough’s Contribution to British Television

Arthur Brough’s role in Are You Being Served? was a significant contribution to British television. He represented a generation of actors who had honed their craft in theatre, bringing a depth and authenticity to his television characters. His experience and talent added layers to Mr. Grainger, making the character memorable for audiences.

Brough’s talent wasn’t confined to television alone. He had a successful theatre career, appearing in numerous productions and contributing immensely to British theatre. His work in both theatre and television left a lasting impact on the entertainment industry, making him a revered figure in British acting circles.

The Dynamics at Grace Brothers

Mr. Grainger’s Relationship with Colleagues

Mr. Grainger’s interactions with his colleagues formed the heart of many episodes. His relationship with Mr. Rumbold (Nicholas Smith), the often bumbling floor manager, was particularly noteworthy. Mr. Grainger’s exasperation with Mr. Rumbold’s incompetence was a source of much humor and underscored the difference between the old and new guard at Grace Brothers.

Mr. Humphries and Mr. Lucas, with their cheeky and jovial demeanors, often clashed with Mr. Grainger’s more traditional outlook. However, beneath their teasing and jokes, there was a mutual respect. Mr. Grainger’s years of experience and wisdom were invaluable, and despite their different approaches, the younger staff members often turned to him for guidance.

A Table of Memorable Interactions at Grace Brothers

Here is a table showcasing some of the memorable interactions Mr. Grainger had with his colleagues:

│ Colleague │ Interaction │ Episode Summary │
│ Mr. Rumbold │ Experiences │ Mr. Grainger often │
│ │ frustrations over │ found Mr. │
│ │ managerial │ Rumbold's │
│ │ decisions │ decisions │
│ │ │ bewildering, │
│ │ │ leading to │
│ │ │ humorous │
│ │ │ confrontations. │
│ Mr. Humphries │ Humorous banter │ Their exchanges │
│ │ and mutual respect │ were filled with │
│ │ │ witty repartee and │
│ │ │ a touching mutual │
│ │ │ respect. │
│ Mr. Lucas │ Friendly teasing │ Mr. Lucas often │
│ │ and practical │ played practical │
│ │ jokes │ jokes on Mr. │
│ │ │ Grainger, │
│ │ │ showcasing a │
│ │ │ playful dynamic. │
│ Mrs. Slocombe │ Occasional │ While they had │
│ │ disagreements but │ their verbal │
│ │ mutual camaraderie │ sparring, they │
│ │ │ also supported │
│ │ │ each other in │
│ │ │ difficult times. │
│ Miss Brahms │ Polite and kind │ Mr. Grainger │
│ │ interactions │ treated Miss │
│ │ │ Brahms with │
│ │ │ kindness, often as │
│ │ │ a paternal figure. │

The Younger Generations

The younger staff members at Grace Brothers, like Miss Brahms (Wendy Richard) and Mr. Spooner (Mike Berry), viewed Mr. Grainger with a blend of reverence and amusement. They respected his experience but were also amused by his old-fashioned ways. This generational gap often led to comedic scenarios, highlighting the evolving nature of retail and workplace dynamics.

Mr. Grainger’s relationship with Captain Peacock (Frank Thornton) was also noteworthy. Captain Peacock, always pompous and self-important, often found himself at loggerheads with Mr. Grainger. Their confrontations showcased the class and status differences within Grace Brothers, providing a humorous yet insightful commentary on workplace hierarchies.

The Humor and Quirkiness of Mr. Grainger

Mr. Grainger’s Iconic Catchphrases

One of the things that made Mr. Grainger so memorable was his catchphrases. His exclamations like “I’m Free!” and “Young Mr. Grace!” became staples of the show, often triggering laughter from the audience. His way of addressing customers and his unique phrases became part of the show’s charm, endearing him to viewers.

Mr. Grainger’s interactions with customers were also a source of humor. His stiff and formal approach, combined with his occasional bewilderment at modern trends and requests, made for hilarious exchanges. Whether he was fitting someone for a suit or dealing with a difficult customer, Mr. Grainger’s mannerisms were always a highlight.

With Mr. Grainger you have some subtle humour that everyone can enjoy. Make sure you check out the best of Mr. Grainger with the complete Are You Being Served DVD Collection.

The Quirks That Made Mr. Grainger Special

Mr. Grainger had several quirks that defined his character. His penchant for falling asleep in the fitting room, his meticulous nature, and his occasional grumpiness were all part of his charm. These quirks made him relatable and added depth to his character, making him more than just a static figure in the store.

His dedication to his job was evident in everything he did, from arranging displays to interacting with customers. Despite his occasional complaints about modern changes and his humorous impatience with younger staff, his love for his work was clear. This dedication, combined with his quirks, made Mr. Grainger a beloved character.

Memorable Episodes Featuring Mr. Grainger

Several episodes of Are You Being Served? featured Mr. Grainger in central roles. In the episode “Cold Comfort,” the staff has to deal with a malfunctioning heating system, and Mr. Grainger’s antics provide much of the humor. His efforts to stay warm, while hilarious, also showcased his vulnerability and added a human touch to his character.

In another memorable episode, “Front Page Story,” Mr. Grainger’s reaction to being featured in the store’s magazine showcases his pride and humility. His excitement turns to embarrassment when he realizes the article is less than flattering. These episodes and many others highlighted his range as a character, balancing humor with heartfelt moments.

The Legacy of Mr. Grainger

Mr. Grainger’s Impact on British Television

Mr. Grainger remains an iconic character in British television history. His portrayal by Arthur Brough left an indelible mark on the viewers and set a standard for character acting in sitcoms. The combination of humor, tradition, and warmth in Mr. Grainger’s character made him a beloved figure in British pop culture.

The success of Are You Being Served? and the popularity of Mr. Grainger paved the way for future sitcoms that balanced workplace humor with engaging character dynamics. Mr. Grainger’s character proved that even in a comedic setting, depth and relatability could make a significant impact.

Cultural Significance

Mr. Grainger’s character also held cultural significance. He represented the traditional British values of service, respect, and etiquette, which resonated with audiences. His interactions with colleagues and customers offered a humorous but insightful look at the changes in British society and workplace culture.

The generational divide between Mr. Grainger and the younger staff members mirrored the broader societal changes happening in Britain at the time. This dynamic added a layer of social commentary to the show, making it not only funny but also relevant and thought-provoking.

Arthur Brough’s Lasting Legacy

Arthur Brough’s portrayal of Mr. Grainger continues to be celebrated. His ability to infuse humor with genuine emotion made his character timeless. Even after his passing, Brough’s work in Are You Being Served? remains a testament to his talent and contribution to British television.

Brough’s dedication to his craft and the authenticity he brought to Mr. Grainger have inspired many actors. His legacy lives on through the continued popularity of Are You Being Served?, which remains a beloved show, enjoyed by new generations of viewers.


Mr. Grainger, the old guard of Grace Brothers, remains an iconic character in the world of British television. Through Arthur Brough’s brilliant portrayal, Mr. Grainger became a symbol of tradition, humor, and enduring charm. His interactions with his colleagues and customers, his quirks and catchphrases, and his embodiment of old-world values made him a standout character in Are You Being Served?

As we celebrate the legacy of Mr. Grainger, we also honor the talent and dedication of Arthur Brough. His contributions to British television and theatre have left a lasting impact, making him a revered figure in the entertainment industry.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through the world of Grace Brothers and Mr. Grainger. If you enjoyed this article, please clap, leave a comment, and subscribe to my Medium newsletter for more updates on the fascinating world of British television. Let’s embark on this journey together, one brilliant episode at a time!

Make sure you check out all the antics of Mr. Grainger by getting the complete Are You Being Served? DVD collection.

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Karen Trident

I am a writer that loves to learn. I cover a variety of topics and hope to expand on my knowledge.