Iconic Quotes from Are You Being Served?: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Karen Trident
7 min readJun 13, 2024


Reliving the Most Memorable Lines from the Beloved British Sitcom

“Are You Being Served?” is a timeless British sitcom that first aired in 1972, capturing the hearts of audiences with its hilarious portrayal of the staff at the fictional Grace Brothers department store. Over the years, the show has become a cultural icon, known for its unique brand of humour and unforgettable dialogue. The series’ witty banter and memorable catchphrases have left an indelible mark on British comedy, making it a favourite among fans of all ages.

The show’s success lies in its clever writing and the distinct personalities of its characters. From Mrs. Slocombe’s euphemisms to Mr. Humphries’ catchphrases, the dialogue in “Are You Being Served?” is both sharp and endearing. This article takes a nostalgic journey through some of the most iconic quotes from the series, exploring the lines that have become part of its enduring legacy.

As we delve into these memorable quotes, we’ll revisit the characters and moments that made “Are You Being Served?” a standout in British television history. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and celebrate the timeless humour of this beloved sitcom.

The Wit and Wisdom of Mrs. Slocombe

Mrs. Slocombe, portrayed by Mollie Sugden, is one of the most iconic characters in “Are You Being Served?” Her distinctive style, marked by colourful hair and sharp wit, made her a standout in the ensemble cast. Mrs. Slocombe is perhaps best known for her euphemistic references to her cat, which became a running gag throughout the series.

One of her most famous lines is, “And I am unanimous in that,” a phrase she often used to assert her opinion. Another classic Mrs. Slocombe quote is, “It’s been so damp, I can’t do a thing with my pussy,” which, while ostensibly about her pet cat, always elicited laughter for its double entendre. These lines showcase her humour and personality, adding to the show’s comedic charm.

Mrs. Slocombe’s quotes are a testament to the clever writing and character development that made “Are You Being Served?” so memorable. Her wit and wisdom continue to entertain audiences, highlighting the timeless appeal of the show’s humour.

Mr. Humphries’ Catchphrases

Mr. Humphries, played by John Inman, is another fan-favourite character known for his flamboyant and humorous personality. His iconic catchphrase, “I’m free!” became synonymous with his character and is still fondly remembered by fans. This line, delivered with impeccable timing and a mischievous smile, encapsulated Mr. Humphries’ playful and cheeky nature.

Another memorable quote from Mr. Humphries is, “My mother used to say, ‘Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn’t try it on.’” This line, like many of Mr. Humphries’ quotes, combines humour with a touch of absurdity, adding to the show’s charm.

Mr. Humphries’ catchphrases contributed significantly to his character’s charm and the show’s humour. His lines, often delivered with theatrical flair, made him a beloved character and a highlight of “Are You Being Served?”

Captain Peacock’s Pomp and Circumstance

Captain Peacock, portrayed by Frank Thornton, was the floorwalker at Grace Brothers, known for his authoritative presence and self-importance. His memorable quotes often reflected his inflated sense of self and interactions with the staff. One such line is, “I am not one to boast, but I am considered something of an expert in the field of sartorial elegance.”

Another classic Captain Peacock quote is, “If you don’t mind, I have a shop to run,” a line he often used to assert his authority. These quotes highlight his character’s pomp and circumstance, adding a layer of humour to his interactions with the other characters.

Captain Peacock’s memorable quotes have become synonymous with his character, making him an integral part of the show’s comedic dynamic. His lines, delivered with a sense of superiority, continue to entertain fans and contribute to the show’s lasting appeal.

Mr. Lucas’ Cheeky Remarks

Mr. Lucas, played by Trevor Bannister, was the mischievous junior salesman known for his cheeky and flirtatious remarks. His character brought a youthful energy and a touch of irreverence to the show. One of his memorable lines is, “I don’t care what Mr. Rumbold says, I’m not coming in tomorrow. It’s my day off.”

Mr. Lucas’ cheeky nature often led to humorous exchanges with his colleagues, particularly Miss Brahms. Another classic line is, “Do you fancy a coffee later, Miss Brahms? Or maybe something a bit stronger?” His flirtatious comments and playful banter added to the show’s comedic dynamics, making him a favourite among viewers.

Mr. Lucas’ cheeky remarks and flirtatious humour provided a contrast to the more reserved characters, enhancing the show’s ensemble comedy. His lines remain a memorable part of “Are You Being Served?” and its legacy.

Miss Brahms’ Sass and Savvy

Miss Brahms, portrayed by Wendy Richard, was the sharp and savvy junior saleswoman. Her quick-witted responses and memorable quotes showcased her intelligence and humour. One of her notable lines is, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but you can make them beg.”

Her interactions with Mr. Lucas often led to humorous exchanges, with lines like, “Keep dreaming, Mr. Lucas,” highlighting her ability to hold her own in the banter. Miss Brahms’ sass and savvy added depth to her character and provided a balance to the show’s comedic dynamics.

Her memorable quotes reflect her sharp mind and quick wit, making her a beloved character in “Are You Being Served?” Miss Brahms’ humour and intelligence continue to resonate with fans, adding to the show’s enduring appeal.

Mr. Rumbold’s Bureaucratic Banter

Mr. Rumbold, played by Nicholas Smith, was the bumbling floor manager often caught in bureaucratic red tape. His quotes frequently reflected his confusion and attempts to maintain authority. One such line is, “I’m not entirely sure what the procedure is, but I’m sure it’s in the manual.”

His bureaucratic banter and often befuddled demeanor added a layer of humour to the show’s portrayal of workplace hierarchy. Another classic Mr. Rumbold quote is, “I’ll have to check with head office on that,” a line that showcased his tendency to defer to higher authority.

Mr. Rumbold’s lines contributed to the comedic portrayal of the workplace environment, highlighting the absurdities of bureaucracy. His quotes remain a memorable part of “Are You Being Served?” adding to the show’s lasting charm.

Memorable Interactions and Dialogues

Some of the best moments in “Are You Being Served?” came from the interactions and dialogues between characters. These exchanges were often filled with wit, humour, and a touch of rivalry. One classic scene is the exchange between Mr. Humphries and Captain Peacock: “Are you free, Mr. Humphries?” “I’m free!”

Another memorable interaction is between Mrs. Slocombe and Mr. Lucas, where she says, “Mr. Lucas, you’ve got to get up very early in the morning to catch me.” To which he replies, “Well, I’m usually up by then, Mrs. Slocombe.” These dialogues not only contributed to the humour but also to character development, making the show more engaging.

These memorable interactions and dialogues highlight the sharp writing and strong character dynamics that defined “Are You Being Served?” They continue to entertain fans and showcase the show’s comedic brilliance.

The Cultural Impact of Iconic Quotes

The quotes from “Are You Being Served?” have permeated British pop culture, becoming part of the collective memory. Phrases like “I’m free!” and “And I am unanimous in that” are often quoted and referenced in various contexts. These lines have helped keep the show’s legacy alive, ensuring that new generations continue to discover and appreciate its humour.

Fans of the show often use these quotes in everyday conversations, adding a touch of nostalgia and humour to their interactions. The cultural impact of these iconic quotes is a testament to the show’s lasting appeal and influence on British comedy.

The continued use and reference of these quotes highlight the enduring charm of “Are You Being Served?” They serve as a reminder of the show’s unique brand of humour and its significant place in television history.

Fan Favorites: Quotes That Stuck

Certain quotes from “Are You Being Served?” have become fan favourites, frequently mentioned and cherished by viewers. One such line is Mrs. Slocombe’s, “Captain Peacock, I do not respond to shouts of ‘Oi!’.” This line, like many others, showcases the character’s personality and the show’s humour.

Another fan-favourite quote is Mr. Humphries’ “I’m free!” which has become synonymous with the character. Fans appreciate these lines for their wit, humour, and the memories they evoke of watching the show.

These fan-favourite quotes resonate with viewers because they encapsulate the essence of the show and its characters. They continue to bring joy and laughter, ensuring that “Are You Being Served?” remains a beloved classic.

Revisiting the Legacy of Are You Being Served?

The lasting impact of “Are You Being Served?” and its iconic quotes is evident in the show’s continued popularity. These quotes encapsulate the essence of the show, reflecting its humour, characters, and social commentary. They serve as a bridge between the past and present, allowing new viewers to discover the charm of this classic sitcom.

Revisiting these memorable lines offers a glimpse into the show’s legacy and its contribution to British comedy. For new viewers, these quotes provide an entry point into the world of “Are You Being Served?” inviting them to explore its episodes and characters.

The enduring legacy of “Are You Being Served?” is a testament to its clever writing, memorable characters, and timeless humour. Its iconic quotes continue to entertain and inspire, highlighting the show’s significant place in television history.


“Are You Being Served?” has left an indelible mark on British comedy, with its iconic quotes becoming a part of popular culture. These lines, delivered by a talented cast, encapsulate the humour and charm of the show. From Mrs. Slocombe’s euphemisms to Mr. Humphries’ catchphrases, the dialogue in “Are You Being Served?” continues to entertain and resonate with audiences.

As we reflect on the significance of these quotes, it’s clear that they have played a crucial role in the show’s enduring appeal. “Are You Being Served?” remains a beloved classic, celebrated for its witty banter and memorable characters.

We invite readers to share their own favourite quotes and memories from “Are You Being Served?” How have these lines influenced your appreciation of British comedy? Join us in celebrating the legacy of this timeless sitcom and its contribution to television history.

Do you have a favourite quote from “Are You Being Served?” Share your stories and experiences in the comments. How have these quotes influenced your appreciation of British comedy? We’d love to hear about your thoughts on the legacy and future of British sitcoms.



Karen Trident

I am a writer that loves to learn. I cover a variety of topics and hope to expand on my knowledge.